Perham Township
Application for Access Approach Permit
Please complete the form below or download and fill out paper application. Please note, you will need to download and print the form anyways for details on page 2 and 3 of the application.
Application for Access Approach Permit:
In response to your request, we are enclosing an “Application for Access Approach Permit”, which you must complete. On the back side of the application, please sketch your property and the present and proposed approaches. Please be neat and complete showing distances, as close as possible, from land corners, intersection of highways, etc.
Please mark the exact location on the ground with a lath and attach flag where you want the proposed approach so it will be easy to locate. Minimum spacing of driveways at shoulder line of 120 feet.
The landowner is required to submit a processing fee of $100 with the permit application. The applicant must also be accompanied by a separate $500 deposit.
The Supervisors will investigate the location and if found satisfactory, the permit will be granted. The township will pay for the standard culvert which must be provided by the Township. The requesting landowner will be responsible for all backfill, topsoil and seeding of all raw slopes and placing surface material at the requestor expense.
The $500 deposit will be for the assurance that the access approach will be installed and completed in conformance with the permit, sketches and other requirements. A one year time frame will be allowed for completion. The deposit will be refunded upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Township. Additional inspections will be deducted from the deposit and the Township reserves the right to cause the uncompleted work to be performed and the costs shall be charges to the landowner. Landowner is to notify the clerk, in writing, when the approach is ready for final inspection.
Final inspection will include:
1. Proper culvert installation.
2. Proper fill material and surfacing.
3. Proper slope from edge of surface to end of culvert as requires by pre-inspection.
4. Establishment of seed or sod to prevent erosion.
5. Removal of excess debris, rock, limbs, etc.
Permit fee can be mailed to - Perham Township at PO Box 96, Perham.
Permits are reviewed at the Monthly Board meeting.
Any approach found to be placed adjacent to a Township Road without a valid permit will be assessed double the permit fees ($200) and subject to inspection by a representative of Perham Township. Should the access approach be found to be deficient in the required width and elevation, determined it will alter drainage in the Township Road right-of-way, placed in such a manner that the sight distance of the oncoming traffic may create a safety hazard, or have been built using substandard or no drainage culvert, the landowner will be required to remove the approach or correct the deficiency at the landowner’s expense within the time period of 1 month from the time of inspection as well as submit the required approach permit fees. If the landowner does not comply with the requirements stated within this policy, the Township Supervisors will cause the approach to be corrected and the landowner will be responsible for the entire cost billed from Perham Township.